#BBM #Apps - BlackBerry Announces Android Wear Support For BBM Coming Sometime In Early 2015 - A messaging service is only useful so long as a certain amount of your contacts use it along with you. So we'll refrain from making jokes at BlackBerry's expense (not a small effort, mind you) or pointing you towards alternatives like Hangouts or WhatsApp. If you use BlackBerry Messenger, and your friends and/or associates do to, pointing out other options isn't going to do much for you. But here's something that will: BBM is getting Android Wear support! Not now. Sometime in the near future. Exactly when we can't say, and neither can BlackBerry, because their CES press release on the topic only mentions a vague "early 2015" date.
That could be any time between right now and the end of April, so prepare to wait a bit. And what will your patience win you? According to said PR, the Wear-enabling update will allow message notifications in full, which you can then dismiss or reply to via a voice input or a canned response. You'll even be able to accept or decline BBM invitations from your watch. That covers pretty much all of the major points for Wear-enabled messaging, so well done BlackBerry. Now it's all done bar the waiting.
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