Twitter Opens Analytics Platform To Everyone


Back in July, Twitter launched its own analytics platform for those who made use of its advertising platform to track their ads, engagements and growth.
This was mainly for brands who advertised on Twitter and verified users on Twitter.
Now we can confirm that the analytics platform is open to everybody to view stats about your regular tweets.
Prior to this, if you ran a company’s twitter account or you just wanted to check stats about your tweet, you’d have to use platforms like Followerwonk, Topsy or Tweetchup or others alike and some of these platforms required you to pay to view more details.
Basically, the Twitter Analytics Dashboard allows you to gauge the performance of each and every tweet you sent.
The analytics platform can be accessed at and allows you to view stats about your tweets, things like impression count and engagement levels. You can also check for details about your followers, your interests on Twitter (Music, Soccer and Tech news was at the top for me) and a lot more.
So now you have a reason to become more hooked to twitter and obsess over every single tweet you send.
